Samurai Ramen Restaurant
A one-page website for a locally-owned restaurant with an interactive menu.
One page design
Mobile responsive
Product landing page
A one page product-focused landing page including product information in mobile responsive dropdowns.
One page design
Multilingual layout
Mobile responsive
Homeschool Tangipahoa
An informational website for potential school group members with an interface for member information.
Easy content-editing
PHP Integration
Account Interface
Mobile responsive
Promotional landing page
A one-page layout for a Mother's Day promotion.
One page design
Mobile responsive
Osaka Kohai Restaurant
A multi-page restaurant website featuring a slideshow of food photography.
Mobile responsive
Blog page
A blog page featuring multiple sections and blog posts with search and tag features.
Mobile responsive
Pricing page
A pricing page featuring product-specific content which the user can toggle between.
Multilingual layout
Mobile responsive
Account settings page
An account interface displaying categories of user settings.
Multilingual layout
Mobile responsive
Account Interface
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